What a great recipe to use up all your odds and ends vegetables that are lying around in the fride.

You can also use frozen spinach, which will work just as well.

A combination of fresh , frozen and tinned foods is what supplies us with the most nutrients, as often many frozen vegetables are at their peak nutritional capacity when they are frozen. Obviously some nutrient concentrations get reduced during the freezing process, however others actually excede those in fresh. 

At the moment, with everything going on in terms of COVID19 and lockdown, we still want to focus on getting in our greens and not wasting. This is why this recipe is great. 



200g spinach (you can use any, I used baby spinach)
9 large eggs
1 roundel of feta 70g 

1 medium onion
1/4 cup milk (you can use almond milk)
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 handful baby tomatoes
30g parmesan grated
1 clove garlic grated (1 teaspoon)
2 tablespoons olive oil 
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

1 Put your oven on to 180oC
2 Break the 9 eggs into a large mixing bowl
3 Crumble the feta into the bowl of eggs. Then add the grated parmesan, milk (or milk alternative).
4 Add the nutmeg, salt and pepper to the bowl of eggs and whisk..
5 Finely chop the onion, grate the garlic, slice the tomatoes in half, 
6 Roughly chop the spinach and put it in a bowl of cold water. Set it aside.
7 Place a a large sauteing pan on a medium to high heat and add the olive oil once the pan is hot.
8 Add the chopped onions and saute for 2 minutes. Now add the garlic and mix in for another 1 minute without browning the onion and garlic.
9 Add the sliced tomatoes and the balsamic vinegar then reduce the heat to a lower temperature and allow the ingredients to soften in the pan for 2 minutes.
10 Take the spinach out of the water, shake a bit and add it into the pan (it doesn’t matter if a few drops of water goes into the pan, you almost want to steam-saute it, but you don’t want the mixture to be too soggy).
11 Mix the ingredients in the pan one or twice, then remove from the heat and allow it to cool.
12 Once cooled, add the vegetable mixture to the egg mixture, giving it a good stir (if the vegetables are too hot they will cook the eggs).
13 Pour into an oven proof round (or square) pie dish.
14 Place in the oven for 30 min until cooked through and golden.
Tip: This can be served with a bowl of green soup, or side salad, as a light meal. 
Tip: You can probably vary this by adding any vegetables that you have left in the fridge and need to be used. 
Tip: This is a great option for a light, nourishing meal that is low in carbs and gluten free.   

Nourish yourself to the sunrise.

Cooked with love,
Sunrise by HM

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